Broken Bot

Piece count: 15 pieces A brittle bot! This bot uses a control panel piece that’s now out of production. It was used as a robot body in three official robots and is a great starting point for your own custom bots! Showcase Instructions

Alpha 2

Piece count: 15 pieces Zoom, zoom! A little rover bot to explore new worlds. All the elements in this bot are amongst my favorites. They’re all great for building small. This bot started, as many of mine do, from the bottom up. I find it’s easier to have the wheels or legs figured out first … Read more

Omega 1

Piece count: 7 pieces Whoosh! This bot can be launched like a rocket for quick deployment where he’s needed! This bot was inspired by older designs used in classic Lego-brand space sets. Showcase Instructions

Psi 1

Piece count: 14 pieces What is that? An alien? Or an upgrade BunnyBot? I love the antennae eyes on this bot! The squat body and wide stance help them stand out. It’s role is a bit unclear, but it looks good! Showcase Instructions

Phi 1 aka DogBot

Piece count: 11 pieces DogBot bellows a happy BARK BARK as it’s owner returns from a moon walk. DogBot (or CatBot, for those so inclined) is amongst my favorite builds. It uses common parts, a simple design, and is full of articulation. It’s recognizable while looking futuristic. Perhaps a catdog bot will be coming soon? … Read more

Upsilon 1

Piece count: 17 pieces A creepy crawly bot! This bot build was part of a series of animal themed bots I worked on. There’s room for improvement around the body itself, but I like the legs and the front around the eye. Showcase Instructions

Tau 1

Piece count: 15 pieces Menacing. A bot you wouldn’t want to encounter in a dark alley! This build started with the three sided bar holder piece. It’s one of my favorite new parts of recent years and shines in this bot. The arm-turned-leg pieces give a nice angular look while the dishes sandwich the glowing … Read more

Sigma 1

Piece count: 3 pieces Vroom! A little radio range extender bot. The roller skate piece is a versatile minifig accessory. It’s great for adding wheels to bots or greeble to space builds. The clip can be sensors, eyes, or a claw for holding various accessories. Showcase Instructions

Rho 1

Piece count: 13 pieces Beep – Boop – Bop! This was a joy to build! The lantern holder pieces are some of my favorite modified plates and they work great as the core of a tough little bot. Cheese slope legs make it decently stable while adding some visual interest. Their attachment allows you to … Read more

Pi 1

Piece count: 5 pieces Multiple curves emphasize π. This is a quick little sentry bot build. It’s the kind of build you can whip up from a random parts pile and experiment with different connections. Showcase Instructions